Flying to Shooting Locations
30,000 FEET
Although most of our video shoots are in the Triad/Triangle areas of North Carolina, we are occasionally hired for projects that require us to fly to our shooting locations. Depending on the scope of the project, we may just fly to one location per video or to several locations all for one larger video.
The Stewards Foundation is an organization that provides low-interest loans to small non-denominational churches for building projects, then gives interest from those loans to full-time preachers and workers from those churches to help with health care. I traveled with either Allan Dunlap, who worked with marketing, or Doug Rice, the president, to several shooting locations all to make one large video, which you can watch HERE.
Trip Destinations:
Tampa, FL
Charleston, SC
Detroit, MI
Ankeny, IA, Dubuque, IA
Lanoka Harbor, NJ, Wall, NJ, Willingboro, NJ, Corona, NY
Lewisville, TX, Dallas, TX, Houston, TX, Austin, TX
This kind of project obviously requires a larger investment, but it also delivers an end product that shows the geographical breadth of an organization’s impact and weaves multiple stories and experiences together. Additionally, all of this footage is saved and can later be turned into several smaller, location-based videos as well.
Datamatics is an organization that helps companies with things like software issues, data transfer, spreadsheet optimization, use of the cloud, and several other things that go way over my head. They have hired us to shoot testimonial videos of some of their clients throughout the United States. We have done three so far and they seem to have many more to come.
This kind of project has some advantages. Not only is it less expensive to fly us to a single location, but if an organization ends up hiring us for several single-location videos, portions of those videos can all be integrated into one large multi-location video.
When we fly, we are usually able to pare down our gear enough to fit in two large cases (these are checked as Media Bags), one carry-on, and one backpack. We have another large case for any job that would require extra gear.
Multi-location projects and single-location projects both have their own advantages and can be very beneficial for an organization. If you have any questions about how we would handle traveling for a project with your organization, just let us know. Happy travels!