Shelley Video

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Using a Teleprompter for Interviews


Most of the interviews we shoot do not require a teleprompter. When answering questions or telling stories, many people feel more comfortable and sound more natural simply talking from what they know and remember. However, in some instances, it is helpful to have an exact script and to use the teleprompter.

Pros of Using a Teleprompter:

  • Allows the Client to be very thoughtful and specific about what they want to be said in the interview

  • Takes less time both to shoot and to edit

  • Each take will be the same information

  • Less frequent “Umms”

Cons of Using a Teleprompter:

  • Requires exact scripts, which hinders storytelling

  • Some interviewees can sound robotic when reading from a script

  • Some viewers may notice the eyes moving if they look closely

  • In order for the teleprompter to be close enough to the interviewee for the script to be readable, we have more limited options for camera placement


We recently used our teleprompter on our shoot for Robinhood Integrative Health in Winston. This made the day far more productive and smooth for the busy providers than our first time shooting together years ago. I put together some clips from the interviews so you can see how much it helped.


It is not always easy to know whether or not you should use a teleprompter. We will talk you through how to make the best decision when planning your video project. Whether or not you decide to use it, we will do everything we can to make you comfortable and confident during your interview.